Embassy of Nigeria
in Libya P.O.
Box 4417
Tripoli, Libya Tel: 43036
Embassy of Cyprus
in Libya Shara
Al Thel, Ben Ashour P.O.Box
3284 Central
Post Office Tripoli.,
Libya Tel.:
(0021821) 609.728, Residence:
(0021821) 608121 Ambassador:
H.E. Mr. Andreas Georgiades.
Also accredited
to: Mali, Mauritania, Niger,
Embassy of Brazil
in Libya Shara
Ben Ashur P.O.
Box 2270 Tripoli,
Libya Tel: (0021821)
360-7747 Telex:
(901) 20082 Fax:
(0021821) 607970 E-mail:
Trade attache: Jose
Marcos Viana
Embassy of India
in Libya 16/18
Shara Mahmoud Shaltout Garden
City P.O.Box
:3150 Tripoli,
Libya Tel: 00
218 21 41835/36 Fax:
of Argentina
in Libya PO
Box 932 Tripoli,
Libya Tel:
[218] (21) 72160, 70586, 70597
Telex: 20190
Embassy of Italy
in Libya Shara
Uaharan,1 Tripoli,
Libya Tel. (0021821)
3334131\2\3 Fax:
3331673 Telex:
0901 20602 ITALDIPL LY Consulate
General in Benghazi:
Shara Omar Ibn El
Aas, 05 Tel:
(21861) 93484-92331 Fax:
(21861) 99806 Telex:
0901 40345 SAFARI LY Consulate
General in Tripoli:
Shara Uahran, 1
Tel: (21821) 3331222-3333630
Fax: (21821) 3330365
Embassy of Japan
in Libya Tel:
(218-21) 607462, 607463
Fax: (218-21) 607462
Embassy of Russia
in Libya 10
Mustafa Kamel Street Tripoli,
Libya Tel: 218
21 30545-30546 Telex:
Embassy of Finland
in Libya P.O.
Box 2508 Tripoli,Libya
Tel: 990-219-21-830
559 Fax: 990-219-21-830
Embassy of Ghana
in Libya P.O.
Box 4169 Tripoli,
Libya Tel: 44256
Telex: 20879
Embassy of Pakistan
in Libya Shara
Huzayfa Bin Al-Yaman Manshiya,
Ben Ashur P.O.
Box 2169 Tripoli,
Libya Tel: (00218-21)607724-608269-4440072
Telex: 20061 PAREP
LY Fax: (218-21)
Embassy of Malaysia
in Libya 32,
Trovato Partition Kilometer
6, Gargaresh P.O.Box
6309 Hai al-Andalus
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: 21-833691/3
Fax: 21-833692
Telex : 20387 MALAWAKIL
Embassy of The Republic of
in Libya Ben
Gerdan Street, Gargaresh
P.O. Box 4781 ,
5160 Tripoli,
Libya Tel: (218-21)
4831322 / 4831323 Fax:
(218-21) 4831324
Interests Section
in Libya Italian
EmbassySharia Uahran 1 P.O.
Box 4206 Tripoli,
Libya Tel: (218)
(21) 333 1191/2/3 Telex:
20296 (a/b 20296 BRITEMB LY)
Fax: 218 21 444
Embassy of Afghanistan
in Libya Mothafar
Alaftas Street P.O.
Box 4245 Tripoli,
Embassy of United
Arab Emirates in Libya Qar
Qaresh, Kilometre 7 PO
Box 8726 Sidi
Humooda Post Tripoli,
Libya Tel: 4832
595 Fax: 4832
Embassy of Pakistan
in Libya Shara
Huzayfa Bin Al-Yaman Manshiya,
Ben Ashur P.O.
Box 2169 Tripoli,
Libya Tel: (00218-21)
607724-608269-4440072 Telex:
20061 PAREP LY Fax:
(218-21) 4444698
Embassy of Japan
in Libya Organization
of African Unity Road Dhat
Al-Imad, Tower No.4 Halls
No.13 & 14 P.O.Box
3265 Tripoli,
Libya Tel: (218-21)3350056-3350057
Fax: (218-21)3350055
Embassy of Libya in Tunis
48 Bis Rue Du Ler
Juin Tunis,
Tunisia Consulate
General:: 35
Rue Alexander Dumas Sfax,
Embassy of Libya in Qatar
Box 574 Doha,
Qatar Tel: 421776
Fax: 429548
Embassy of Libya in Argentina
Cazadores 2166
1428 Buenos Aires
Tel: (1) 788-3745,
Embassy of Libya in India
22 Golf Link
New Delhi 110003
India Tel:
4697717 / 4697771
Embassy of Libya in Saudi
Arabia Box 94365
Riyadh 11693
Tel: 4544511
Fax: 4567513
Telex: 406399 ALIBA
Embassy of Libya in China
Sanlitun Dongliujie
Beijing 100600
Tel: 86 (10) 6532
Embassy of Libya in France
3, villa Copernic
Paris 75116
Tel: 33 1
Fax: 33 1
Consulate General
424 rue Paradis
Marseille 13008
Tel : 33
Embassy of Libya in Greece VYRONOS 13 Athens
Tel: (30) (1) 6471842
Embassy of Libya in the Philippines
2416 Bougainvilla
Rd Dasmarinas
Village Makati City
Metro Manila
Tel: (63) (2) 8173461
Embassy of Libya in Portugal
Av. Descobertas,
24 Lisbon 1400
Tel: (351) 1 301
6301 Fax: (351)
1 301 2378
Embassy of Libya in The Republic
of Korea 4-5,
Hannam-dongYongsan-ku Seoul
Tel: 82 2 797 6001
Fax: 82 2 797 6007
Embassy of Libya in Russia
Ulitsa Mosfilmovskaya
38 Moscow 107140
Embassy of Libya in Vietnam
A3 Van Phuc Street
Hanoi Tel:
Embassy of Libya in Qatar
Box 574 Doha,
Qatar Tel: 421776
Fax: 429548
Embassy of Libya in Spain
Pisuerga, 12
Madrid 28071
Tel: (91) 563 57
Embassy of Libya in Slovakia
Revova Ul. 45
Bratislava 81102,
Slovakia Tel: 004217544-10324
/ 10733 / 10734 Fax:
004217544-10730 /10731 E-mail: